ALAMOSA – Nohemi Rodarte found her professional goal as a member of the first cohort in Adams State University’s Mechanical Engineering Partnership Program with Colorado State University (CSU).
CENTER – In a special Town of Center trustee meeting on Dec. 17, the board, which includes the mayor, decided to file formal charges against trustee Bill McClure to have him censured or removed from office.
CENTER – The Center Consolidated School District recently announced taking part in the annual Sharing Christmas program.
ALAMOSA — Everyone was invited to the annual community Christmas Party at La Puente in Alamosa on Dec. 21. The holiday season is upon us, which was shown by the peace, goodwill, and community love at the well-attended party.
ALAMOSA — Nothing quite says “it’s Christmas” like seeing a big, burly cop with the Alamosa Police Department (APD) helping a third-grade girl pick out pajamas for her little sister or an APD officer making sure all shoelaces are tied before the pair begin to shop.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — On Dec. 9, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) announced a notice that the Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout does not need threatened or endangered status under the Endangered Species Act.
The International Lineman’s Rodeo holds a special place in the electric utility industry. For the past 40 years, it has served as more than just a competition; it is a celebration of the dedication and expertise that lineworkers bring to their vital roles every day.
CENTER – On Saturday, Dec. 14, beginning at 1 p.m. in downtown Center, the Kiwanis Club and the Town of Center hosted a Christmas Parade of Lights. Following the parade, the celebration moved to Casa Blanca Park, where people could visit with Santa Claus. The Kiwanis Club hosted the event at the park.
ALAMOSA — The 14th annual Alamosa Round-UP Christmas Light Parade is scheduled for Saturday, Dec 21, beginning at 6 p.m.
ALAMOSA — Aaron and Adam Fresquez, the two brothers who have served as officers with the Center Police Department, are scheduled for dispositions in court on Dec. 18. Aaron Fresquez was CPD’s Chief of Police and Adam Fresquez was a CPD officer.
ALAMOSA – The $25 billion proposed merger between Albertsons and Kroger was blocked on Tuesday by a federal judge in Oregon, preventing the deal that would put both mega corporations under one roof from moving forward.
COLORADO — In a statement issued this week, Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust (CCALT ) announced it is expanding its conservation services to aid agricultural land succession and transfer.
STATEWIDE — In 2020, voters in Colorado passed, by a narrow margin of 51% to 49%, a ballot measure to reintroduce wolves into the state after their eradication in the early to mid-1900s. Charged with creating and implementing the plan for reintroduction, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) held public meetings, developed a plan and ultimately reintroduced two groups of five GPS collared wolves into Grand and Summit Counties on Dec. 19, 2023.
CENTER – Approximately 22 people were at the first-ever Center Craft and Bake Sale on Saturday, Dec. 7. The event was at 295 S. Worth St., commonly known as the old Pharmacy Building.
SAN LUIS VALLEY — A collaborative effort between public and private partners is financing an educational and recreational plan for the area in Conejos and Costilla counties near the historic Lobatos Bridge, which will soon begin construction.
ALAMOSA — The Colorado Hospital Association Board has named Konnie Martin as one of its newly appointed trustees and she will begin her term in January 2025. She is a trusted leader, especially advocating for and representing rural hospitals. She has been the CEO at San Luis Valley Health since 2013 and serves as a leader in a variety of local, state, and national roles. Konnie has previously served on the CHA board, including serving as a former chair of the association.
ALAMOSA — Sandra Hostetter, Alamosa County Assessor, is retiring at the end of 2024. She has served as the Alamosa County Assessor since 2003. Prior to being elected, she worked as an appraiser in the office. In all, Hostetter has served the citizens of Alamosa County for 32 years.
Firefighters and deputies with Alamosa County Sheriff's Office responded to a structure fire Thursday night. The incident is currently being investigated as possible case of arson.
ALAMOSA — The holiday season always signals an abundance of fun stuff going on, and 2024 in the San Luis Valley is no exception. What follows is a glimpse of some of the happenings coming up this weekend.
ALAMOSA – Downtown Alamosa is ready to light up with holiday cheer as the annual First Fridays Shine Bright and Shop Small event kicks off the season in style. The festive evening begins at City Hall at 5:30 p.m. with the magical Celebration of Lights Ceremony, featuring live music by Matt Wellman, sweet treats, and a countdown to the official lighting ceremony.