ALAMOSA — A total of $5,000 appears to have been stolen by “credit card skimmers” at a gas station located in Alamosa, according to Alamosa Police Department (APD) Chief George Dingfelder.
SAGUACHE COUNTY — On Oct. 31, Alamosa Volunteer Search and Rescue (AVSAR), Saguache County Search and Rescue (SAGSAR), and Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve (GRSA) collaborated in the search for an overdue hunter who was found dead by the search and rescuers.
ALAMOSA – The Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust (CCALT) announces the completion of a new conservation easement with the Salazar family that conserves 301 acres of the Rockin’ S Ranch in the southern end of the San Luis Valley. The ranch is a working cattle and hay operation, has rich wildlife and wetland habitat, and is an important part of the Hispanic/Latino farming and ranching heritage and community of Conejos County.
ALAMOSA — With the 2024 election in the rear-view mirror and only the official certification of the results remaining, both newly re-elected state legislators representing the San Luis Valley have been voted into leadership roles in their respective political parties.
ALAMOSA — Attention storytellers! Whether you’re an “old hand” at telling a story from your past or longing to finally get in touch with your inner storyteller yearning to be set free, Spadefoot Story Slam is the perfect opportunity to tell a tale, and it’s happening this Saturday at its regularly scheduled time and place – 6 p.m. at Narrow Gauge Book Cooperative in Alamosa.
SAGUACHE COUNTY— Saguache County Commissioner — District 1 Commissioner Tom McCracken was re-elected to office by voters.
ALAMOSA — The Veterans Day Parade in downtown Alamosa on Nov. 11 was a solemn, powerful tribute to Veterans. Dozens of Veterans, their families, and supporters gathered to honor their sacrifices and show their respect.
DENVER — Award-winning nature photographer Wendy Shattil recently donated over 100,000 nature images to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS) from her and her late partner Bob Rozinski's vast collection of imagery.
ALAMOSA — Dickey-Springer Post 113, American Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary invite the public to participate in the annual Veterans Day Parade on Main Street in Alamosa on Monday, Nov. 11.
CENTER – A benefit dinner for beloved former CHS baseball coach Lloyd Garcia will be held on Friday, Nov. 22, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Center Consolidated School District Cafeteria.
ALAMOSA — La Puente held a ribbon-cutting event on Nov. 7 for the new Food Bank Network of the San Luis Valley, located at 802 State Ave., Alamosa.
ALAMOSA — Incumbent Republican Senator Cleave Simpson is headed back to Denver for his second term after winning 55% of the vote in Senate District 6.
ALAMOSA – At the end of the evening, an unofficial count of the votes shows Democrat incumbent Rep. Matt Martinez victorious with 55% of the vote, garnering him a second term in the state House.
SAN LUIS VALLEY — In early election night returns Alamosa County Commissioner — District 1 race incumbent Lori Laske (R) led challenger Richard Needham (D) by 60.67% (2,846) to 39.33% (1,845 votes). Alamosa Commissioner Vern Heersink ran unopposed. Voter turnout for the county was 47.23 % with 4,875 votes cast.
Colorado Election Day results can be found here .
ALAMOSA — Over the past decade, the United States has lost countless members of the “Greatest Generation,” those men who grew up during the Great Depression and then, often still in their teenage years, served their country in World War II.
SAN LUIS — Costilla County officials, business owners, heads of non-profits and long-time residents spent time with U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper in San Luis on Wednesday afternoon, discussing accomplishments, challenges and goals going forward.
ALAMOSA — On the afternoon of Nov. 1, about 75 people, including local community members, stakeholders in health services, and historical preservation enthusiasts, gathered at the old Alamosa County Courthouse for a groundbreaking ceremony.
MONTE VISTA — Jim Ehrlich, the longtime Colorado Potato Administrative Committee Executive Director, has retired. After 18 years on the job, Ehrlich retired on Oct. 31 and looks forward to staying in the Valley and continuing his commitment to community service. Ehrlich grew up on a dairy farm in Northern Colorado and has been active in agriculture his entire life.
ALAMOSA — In a stunning performance on Wednesday evening, the Adams State University Chamber Choir tackled American composer Kyle Pederson's five-movement "A Vision Unfolding," delighting the audience.