CCSD proudly takes part in ‘Sharing Christmas’ program

Posted 12/26/24

CENTER – The Center Consolidated School District recently announced taking part in the annual Sharing Christmas program.  

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CCSD proudly takes part in ‘Sharing Christmas’ program


CENTER – The Center Consolidated School District recently announced taking part in the annual Sharing Christmas program.  

For the past several years, Susan Banning, who is the McKinney-Vento liaison for the CCSD, has headed up this special outreach program for the community of Center. 

Banning helps take donations, and puts together food baskets, meals, and Christmas gifts for families in need. 

“We provide food boxes and some gifts for select families from our schools,” said Banning. “This year we increased the number to 40 because of the need in the community.”  

Banning said that the delivery and pickup date was on Dec. 16.  

As an example, of what is included in the food box, they purchase multi-cultural foods, according to the families, for some families they purchase, flour, oil, masa, tomatillos, Jello and evaporated milk, chocolate, onions, and different items that different cultures might make. 

There are gifts included in the baskets along with the food.  

Banning said that the staff at the schools also donated food, money, or their time. Some of the kids at the schools often get involved in the distribution as well. Banning said that she also has private community donors that will often donate money for the project, that she really appreciates. She also orders food from K&J Thriftway in Center. 

Banning explained the registration process for the baskets. 

“So, the way that it works is, when we start school, and as students come in, they fill out a housing survey. So, McKinney-Vento is for people that are either doubled up or are in a housing situation where they do not have adequate housing. I use that list; I go through the list. I go through to see who is having some hardships, and to see who needs that extra food. This is how it is determined who will receive the food baskets, the ones who are most in need,” she said. 

Banning said she relies on other entities for help like the Center Kiwanis Club.  

Banning thanked Tony Garcia and Gerald Hammer from the CCSD Transportation Department for making countless deliveries with volunteer seniors; the Family/Community and Parent Engagement Coordinators, including Brisa Macias, and Dalia Molina for their phone calls and translations; Center schools' staff that donated food and monetary gifts to the program; support from Laurie Vigil, for Saguache Sharing Christmas; and countless students for their help and volunteer work. Special thanks went to Westlea and Wanetta Tipsword and Rony Lorenzo Baltazar, who helped wrap presents and helped complete the food boxes and deliver them.  

For more information on the program, contact Banning at the Center Consolidated School District at 719-754-3982.