Center Town Manager Webb looks back and ahead

Posted 1/10/25

CENTER – Town Manger Cole Webb recently spoke about saying goodbye to 2024 and moving into 2025 and what’s ahead for the town of Center. 

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Center Town Manager Webb looks back and ahead


CENTER – Town Manger Cole Webb recently spoke about saying goodbye to 2024 and moving into 2025 and what’s ahead for the town of Center. 

“Well, 2024, I can only speak of the last 6 months because that was when I started my position in Center, but I think it went phenomenal overall. We have had some hurdles we had to jump over from previous administration and things, before my time. We have overcome it though. We had a huge event in August, the Mardi Gras summer event. It was a huge hit; I think it’s the largest event that Center has had in the last 20 years. We had people from all over and it was just great,” he said. 

Webb said that the Town of Center is currently in a great financial position. 

“One of the best positions they have been in, in a long time,” Webb said. 

Webb said that the town is still trying to work on a solution to the utility department though, as far as the billing goes. 

When Webb became the Town Manager, there were several grants that needed to be initiated at that time. 

“We have a new park now because of one of those grants that the previous interim town manager helped with, Keith Brockhurst, that was one of his big projects,” Webb said.  

Webb said that for 2025, he is looking heavily at the North 90 project, with the $2 million infrastructure grant. 

“We are in the process of implementing that and starting on that. Hopefully, we want to break ground in 2025, or 2026, on the first unit on the North 90,” he said. 

Webb said that as far as events for 2025, the town is planning to have more events, and another big event in July. 

“We want to bring more bands, have more rides, more music, and all of this will hopefully bring more people. We will have the Mardi Gras event again too, but it probably won’t be called Mardi Gras, we might call it something different this year. The Christmas bazaar we had was really a big hit too, so we are planning on doing that again this year and maybe making it a 2-day event, just in a bigger area, like spreading it from the pharmacy area also out to town hall,” he said. 

Webb also spoke of having a Chili and Salsa Cookoff sometime during 2025, and bringing back the Brewfest that got canceled in 2024.  

Webb said that the town is also looking at doing some major improvements this year to Town Hall, the Police Department and the pharmacy building. 

“These are all in the works and coming soon,” Webb said.  

Webb said he appreciates what the community is giving back to the town. 

“We have good support from the community. We have definitely had our challenges, but I think overall the community is appreciating what we are doing, and we are seeing a big change in town. The town of Center is unique. I love the town and the people. I think we can work together and continue to grow,” he said.