Classifieds for week of Aug. 21

Posted 8/29/24

01 Tickets   

02 Card of Thanks  

03 Memorials  

04 Lost & Found  

05 Notices  

For information on meetings for ALANON NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS …

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Classifieds for week of Aug. 21


01 Tickets  

02 Card of Thanks 

03 Memorials 

04 Lost & Found 

05 Notices 

For information on meetings for ALANON NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS AND ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Please visit or call 719-937-5083. 

06 Personals  

07 Help Wanted  

Rio Grande County Clerk and Recorder is seeking a full-time Deputy Clerk. Benefits include FOUR DAY WORK WEEK, paid holidays, annual and sick leave, retirement, and insurance. Starting $17.70 - $18.40/hour DOE. HS diploma or GED required, three to six months related experience preferred. Must possess computer knowledge, customer service and general office skills. Background check and pre-employment drug testing, including testing for marijuana required.  Application available on-line: or pick up from Human Resources, 925 6th Street, Room 200 in Del Norte. Return by 3:00pm Friday, August 30 in person or via email to (719) 657-2744. (8-28) 

Del Norte High School is seeking a qualified Assistant Volleyball Coach for the 2024 volleyball season. The individual would be responsible for developing the junior varsity program and assisting the varsity coach in all aspects of the high school volleyball program.  If interested, please email Gilbert (Gibbs) Sanchez, Del Norte Jr/Sr High School Athletic Director at or contact him at 719-657-4020. (9-4) 

Full-time Maintenance and Grounds position open at the Upper Rio Grande School District. Applicant must pass a background check and be able to work independently, be a forward-thinking individual with an overall team approach to all tasks at hand.  Applicant must also be able to work in all weather conditions (snow removal/general landscaping).  If interested, please contact Demo Trujillo, 719-657-4040 x4007,  Applications can be retrieved online at: (9-4) 

Jr/Sr High Language Arts Teacher needed at Del Norte Jr/Sr High School. Applicants must have a bachelor's degree or higher and possess or be able to obtain a Colorado Teaching License with a secondary Language Arts endorsement. Please submit your application, resume, and cover letter to: Annie Hardy, DNHS Principal at or contact Mrs. Hardy at 719-657-4020. Applications can be picked up at the District Office or online. (9-4) 

Substitutes needed at Upper Rio Grande School District in Del Norte! We need subs for teachers (must have a sub license), classified employees (must have sub license), cafeteria workers, and bus drivers. Call or email: Sophia Cruz at 719-657-4040 x4000, (9-4) 

Cafeteria Staff needed at Upper Rio Grande School District.  Must have a high school diploma and some knowledge of working in a kitchen or a willingness to be trained.  Pay is dependent on prior experience.  Please contact Leslie Martinez at 719-657-4040, x1100 or email her at Applications can be retrieved online at: (8-28) 

Help wanted part-time Deputy Coroner - Experienced individual needed for On Call Part time position assisting the Saguache County Coroner. The position will be an on call/as needed position.  Coroner calls are paid at $150.00 per call and Transports are $150.00 per call, Weekday on call $15.00 per day and Weekend on call $30.00 per day. Please contact April Quintana with the Saguache County Administration office for an application or printable at Call 719-655-2231 for more information. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Saguache County is an EEO employer.  Drug testing and a background check will be required for final applicants. (8-28) 

The Upper Rio Grande School District is hiring a full time Jr./Sr. High School Counselor.   Applicants must have a Master’s Degree or higher and possess or be able to obtain an appropriate Colorado school counselor license. Please submit your application, resume, and cover letter to: Annie Hardy, Del Norte Jr./Sr. High Principal at or contact Mrs. Hardy at 719-657-4020.  Applications for certified staff positions can be picked up at the District Office or online at (8-21) 

Wolf Creek Ski Area is hiring a Full Time Staff Accountant.  Those with Bookkeeping, Payroll, Accounts Payable or public accounting experience are encouraged to apply.  Familiarity with Microsoft Excel is preferred. Attention to detail, and organizational skills are required. The office is located at the Ski Area located on top of Wolf Creek Pass and requires commuting throughout the year. This is a year-round position, with longer hours during the winter operating months, and a shorter work week in the summer months.  This position offers skiing privileges, and the compensation starts at $34 per hour depending on experience. Full slate of insurance benefits and PTO available after a probationary period. Please email resume to: (8-28) 

Wolf Creek Ski Area is hiring an Accounting Assistant.  Those with Bookkeeping, Accounting, Clerical or Human Resources experience are encouraged to apply.  The office is located at the Ski Area located on top of Wolf Creek Pass and requires commuting throughout the winter months. This position offers skiing privileges, and the compensation starts at $24 per hour depending on experience. Please email resume to: (8-28) 

10 Apartments 

Mountain View Apartments in South Fork has an apartment for rent, no pets 719-580-1510 (8-28) 

11 Rooms  

12 Houses for Rent 

For rent, 4-bed, 2-bath home with 2-car garage for $1,400 a month just outside of La Jara. Call 719-852-0450 for more details. (8-21) 

13 Mobile Homes for Rent 

14 Business Properties For Rent 

15 Wanted to Rent 

16 Vacation 

Cabin for rent by the night only. Small bath, queen bed, microwave and refrigerator only. 



17 Real Estate For Sale 

Large lots over half-of-an-acre. Lots 11, 12, Block 15, Alpine Village No. 8. Great Views. $18K. 719-250-2675 (9-4) 

Creed Heaven #1 Lot 22 Block “G” Last Chance Drive $32,500 970-779-8204 (10-9) 

20 Business Properties 

21 Mobile Homes 

22 Property Wanted 

23 Lawn and Garden 

24 Garage/Yard Sales 

Downtown (MV) Yard sale, 124 Adams, between Nino’s and Quiney’s office and home stuff. Monday-Saturday, AM all of August. Business hours minus lunches. Sales prices. (8-28) 

27 Appliances 

28 Household Goods 

For sale handyman special, vintage smaller-scale Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, two chairs. $50. 719-256-4048 (8-28) 

29 Musical Instruments 

30 Electronics/Computers 

31 Health 

32 Fuel & Heating 

33 Building Materials 

34 Office Equipment  

35 Heavy Equipment 

36 Miscellaneous 

Wanted small animals and animal-related items for our public auction on Friday evening, Aug. 30, at 8037 South County Road 2 East, Monte Vista. Lunch stand opens at 4:30 p.m. Auction time 6 p.m. To consign contact Eddie Miller 719-849-8063 (8-28) 

Cash for quality non-fiction books and LP records. Jeff 720-315-9145 (TFN) 

Propane Refrigerators and Freezers. We also stock “Sunstar” refrigerators and freezers in DC/AC power. Bontrager’s Variety Store, 9726 S. County Road 3E, Monte Vista. (719) 852-0500 (TFN) 

STEEL STORAGE CONTAINERS – Sales, Rentals & Modifications! Containers are water & rodent proof. 8’ wide, 8’-53’ in length. Call for more information and pricing. Healdworks, Inc. – Your Total Storage Solution! 719-657-2712 (TFN) 

SOLAR PANELS! Large and small. Inverters, charge controllers, lead acid and lithium batteries. Brand names include Outback, Magnum, AIMS, EG4, Sol-Ark, and Rolls. Custom cables and PV wire. Bontrager’s Variety Store. 9726 S. CR 3E Monte Vista. 719-852-0500. (TFN) 

37 Wanted 

38 Machinery, Tools, Equipment 

Tool sale. Carpentry tools.  Automotive tools. Numerous power tools. 719-588-2503 (9-11) 

39 Sporting Goods 

40 Auto Part 

41 Farm Equipment 

42 Feed & Seed 

For Sale: Small Alfalfa bales $10. Covered, No rain, and local. Call: 719-480-2089 (8-28) 

43 Farm Products 

44 Farm Services 

45 Animal Breeding 

46 Pasture for Rent 

47 Horses & Cattle 

48 Pets and Supplies 

Pure bred mini-Aussie female and three puppies. $50 each or best offer. 719-843-5003 (9-11) 

49 Animal Care 

50 Livestock 

51 Boats and Equipment 

52 Camping Equipment 

53 Trailers 

54 Snowmobiles/ATV's 

55 RVs & Campers 

56 Business Opportunity 

57 Investments 

58 Motorcycles 

59 Vehicles Wanted 

63 Trucks 

64 Autos for Sale 

For sale - 1990 Toyota 2-wheel drive super clean pickup; 2013 Toyota Corolla; Chevy car 4-speed transmission. 719-850-2027 (9-11) 

65 Professional Services 

Rio Grande Rentals. Everything for Event/Party/Weddings including unique Mobile Bars and Bartending Services 303-946-7253 (9-25) 

Need Storage, We Build New Storage Sheds, HY Country Sheds Call 719-849-8106 (9-4) 

Fire Mitigation: Weed And brush mowing to reduce fire danger. Call Darrell 715-699-3703 (9-11) 

WE BUY ANTLER: $16/lb for Elk Grade A and $11/lb for Deer Grade A. 5 miles west of Del Norte on Hwy 160. 719-657-0942 (TFN) 

RELIABLE CARPENTRY 40-plus years-experience in carpentry, painting, stucco, tile, drywall, roofing, etc. Drug/Alcohol free. Free Estimates 719-496-7630. (TFN) 

LICENSED PLUMBER does all types of plumbing repairs and plumbing remodels at reasonable rates. Quick service. Call anytime, available weekends and evenings. 719-580-0033 or 719-376-2593. (TFN) 

Need beautiful window blinds at the best prices? Call THE BLIND GUY at 970-799-0388 for a free estimate. (TFN) 

Sprinkler repair and winterizations. Done at reasonable rates. Quick Service. Call anytime, weekdays, weekends, evenings. 719-580-0033 or 719-376-2593. (TFN)