Michael ‘Grizz’ Addison Garnett


Ulysses, Pa., resident Mike Garnett passed away Dec. 26, 2021, in Coudersport, Pa., at the age of 67.

Mike was born on Feb. 19, 1954, to Dean Chapman and Dorothy Burton Garnett in Monte Vista, Colo.

Grizz was an avid outdoorsman. He spent his youth 4-wheeling with his family and their 4-wheeler club.

He was always up for anything outdoors. Hunting, fishing, photography, and men's softball were some of his favorites.

Mike graduated from Monte Vista High School in 1972, one of the largest classes on record.

Mike had a variety of jobs throughout his life. He attended Colorado State University and received his bachelor’s from Adams State while in his 40s. He was a bookkeeper while in the San Luis Valley.

A large man with a large heart. He was always upbeat and a friend to all.

His health caused him to leave the Valley and he landed in Pennsylvania. He spent many years fighting MS.

He is survived by his brother Jim of Bellingham, Wash., and eight nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his parents, his sister Dorothy and brother Don.