MVPD to host National Night on Aug. 13


MONTE VISTA — The Monte Vista Police Department will have its National Night Out event from 4 to 8 p.m. on Aug. 13 at Chapman Park. The public is invited to attend this child friendly that will feature free food and drinks, and games and music.

Last year an estimated 500 people attended Monte Vista’s National Night Out. National Night Out is a national drug and crime prevention event, that takes place yearly in cities across the United States. The event brings law enforcement and the community together in a casual atmosphere. One goal is through this interaction they can work together to prevent drug and criminal activity in the community.

Many emergency personnel will attend the event, including ambulance and firefighters, and many other safety advocates for the community. There will be multiple booths set up at Chapman Park including a face painting, along with a bouncy house for the children.

The event will include a free hamburger or hot dog dinner for all attendees complete with chips and drinks.

Last year many MVPD officers cooked hamburgers and engaged with the community. This is a night when residents can ask officers questions about any safety concerns they may have, get to know their local law enforcement officers, and hear what safety measures and preventative measures law enforcement uses.

Officer Twila Martinez organized the event last year and is the contact person for the event this year.

“This is a great community event. This is an annual event that we like to put on. We try to engage with the community to answer any questions that the community might have. We provide dinner and there are other booths set up. We try to have a fun filled night and engage with the community to build that trust and relationship with our community. We want them to know they are safe, and they can come to us when they need us. What we really want from people is for them to trust us and get to know us. We are here for our community, and we want them to know that,” she said.

City Manager Gigi Dennis said that National Night Out is a great time for everyone to meet law enforcement and first responders.

“I think this is a wonderful opportunity for our people to engage with our law enforcement and see that they are wonderful people first. To see their compassion and dedication in wanting to keep our community safe. They are here to help. These are solid people who care about our community,” Dennis said.

For more information about the upcoming event, to participate in the event or set up a booth at the event, contact Martinez at 719-850-4189.