United Methodist Church hosts Anna’s Mission for Mother’s Day Tea program


CENTER — Three days before Mother’s Day, Center United Methodist Church hosted Anna’s Mission, LLC. at a brunch to conduct exercises and learn more about the nonprofit’s domestic violence mission.

In addition to 27 women seated precisely at 2 p.m., organizers moved around the conference room to fuss with displays and introduce the ice-breaker exercise. Everyone belted out all the verses to “There was an old lady who swallowed a fly,” ultimately concluding with a horse, of course.

Attendees followed up with a second song before enjoying a splendid meal. They also received a detailed presentation and participated in exercises that revealed the subtleties of extensive violence. Damage reaches deeper than bruises, often causing continual mental anguish too.

One extensive exercise entailed placing magnetic phrases and terms on a metal display. The board included two columns — “TYPES OF ABUSE” on one side and “CONTROL TACTICS” on the other — and a wheel of words in the center.

Participants chose from nearly 50 words and phrases, such as “Verbal attacks,” “Monitoring messages,” and “Spends all Money.” In addition to control tactics and types of abuse, the words landed near other concepts in the central wheel, such as “Physical,” “Economic,” “Isolation,” and “Stalking.”

According to Annette “Nett” Smith before the presentations began, Anna’s Mission addresses domestic violence for men, children, and women (victims of all ages). Materials provided to brunch attendees included recommendations to call the national hotline and thoughts and prayers to share with victims. Create a safety plan, gather important documents, and if you need to flee immediately, Anna’s Mission assembles “Ready, Set, Go Bags.” The bags are robust and well designed, featuring essential items for hygiene and survival.

Important documents (or copies) may include your Birth Certificate and social security numbers (for you and your children), vaccination records, all identification, necessary membership cards, insurance papers, and more.

If you would like to donate to Anna’s Mission Inc., particularly to fund item purchases and assembly of “Ready, Set, Go Bags,” send money to Anna’s Mission Inc., P.O. Box 4, Rocky Ford, Colo., 81067.

You can also call 719-733-7353 or email annasmissioninc@gmail.com, for more information.