CCSD thanks board members for their many contributions


CENTER — With January being School Board Appreciation Month, Center Consolidated School District Superintendent Carrie Zimmerman recognized the district’s six board members for their contributions.

The board includes officers Kim Duran, board president, Misty Montoya-Palacios, board vice president, Richie Barela, treasurer and secretary, and board members Enrique Aguilar, Lloyd Garcia, and Lyn Bogle.

“As citizens who serve students and represent our community, they face complex and demanding challenges,” Zimmerman said. “The monthly school board meetings are just a small fraction of the time and energy that they dedicate to our district. Our board has worked hard to ensure we have the highest quality staff in place, and they want to ensure that our staff is the best paid in the Valley and that they are supported and respected in our district.”

Zimmerman said the board had recently met with the Urban Renewal Authority to talk about the district’s support of the URA. The board also held a special meeting to approve a bid to renovate and replace the track and the football field at the community park.

“These are just a few examples of the work that our board is doing behind the scenes to make Center Consolidated School District the best district around,” Zimmerman said.

Aguilar has been a board member for six years but is leaving the board and was recently recognized by Zimmerman.

“It's been a pleasure to serve with Enrique on the school board for the last six years,” Zimmerman said. “His tenure started in 2015 and he was reelected in 2019. Enrique shared that his greatest hope for the district was to maintain what was going well, and he was always looking for ways to better the school.”

Zimmerman said that Aguilar attended the Colorado Assocation of School Board conferences for the past couple of years, and always listened to what the students thought was important, including addressing mental health support for the kids.

“One thing I really appreciate about Enrique is he listens intently, that's a strong sign of character,” Zimmerman said. “When he says something it's thoughtful. He may be a man of few words but when he speaks it's worth listening to. Although he won't be serving on the board as a member, he still plays an important role in our community and is a role model to our students. Thank you, Enrique, for being then exemplary board member focusing on the right things and supporting the district work.”

Zimmerman shared the greatest hopes for Center schools of each board member.

Duran said, “My goal is to make sure that as the district, we have the staff and tools in place to provide each student with the best education possible.”

Montoya-Palacious said, “My greatest hope for Center schools is for the continued educational excellence and improved academic performance of the students; this is important so that our students are prepared for a successful future.”

Garcia said, “My goal for center is that every child is treated fairly and with respect and given every opportunity to succeed.”

Bogle said, “I have watched Center schools improve so much during the last several years. I want to help that continue. I think that the district has an excellent staff and some really great students. I hope to encourage communication between the parents, staff, students, and board, so that the district can give the students the best possible education.”

Zimmerman extended a heartfelt thank you to all school board members for their genuine contributions and effort to their school district.